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Participants and talk titles


Julia Slingo (PI)

1) PROMISE year 2: Achievements and Challenges
2) The DEMETER project
3) Initiatives for FP 6

Emily Black

1) The causes of extreme rainfall in East Africa: insights from observed data and GCMs
2) Plans for an international conference in 2003

Andrew Challinor

1) Towards the development of an integrated weather/crop forecasting system (with Tim Wheeler)
2) Developing links with agricultural research centres (with Tim Wheeler)

David Lawrence

Vegetation phenology and the hydrological cycle of monsoons

Sergio Pezzulli

Seasonal variation of climate (with David Stephenson)

David Stephenson

Seasonal variation of climate (presented by Sergio Pezzulli)


Dr Pant

Research activities at IITM


Christian Baron

SARRA-H: a simple crop model to measure the impact of climate

Alain Clopes

A pre-study on crop modelling using climate simulated with ARPEGE

Michael Dingkuhn

A GIS based environment for the implementaiton of SARRA-H using climate simulated by PROMISE

Abdallah Samba (AGRYMET)


Jean-Francois Royer

Climate Scenarios at CNRM

Fabrice Chauvin

Spectral analysis of African easterly waves in a climate change scenario

Herve Douville

1) On the difficulty of predicting and detecting climate change in the tropics
2) Assessing the influence of soil moisture on seasonal climate variability: experiment design and results

Karine Maynard

Impact of land-use changes on the African Climate


Wilhelm May

1) General performance of the ECHAM 4 (T106) model for simulating the Indian summer monsoon under present day conditions
2) Possible future changes in extremes of rainfall during the Indian summer monsoon in a time-slice experiment


Franco Molteni

1) The PROMISE data archive
2) Plans for an international conference in 2003 (presented by Emily Black)


Jeremy Meigh

Developing a water resource model of Wst Africa to account for impacts of population, climate and land use change

Dermot O'Regan
The development of realistic scenarios of land cover change in tropical Africa for the period 1960 – 2050

Caroline Sullivan

Chris Taylor
Estimating land use change in West Africa and its impact on climate


Katia Laval

Jan Polcher

Patricia de Rosnay
Preliminary experiment of irrigation over India in the land surface scheme ORCHIDEE

Benjamin Sultan
The role of intra-seasonal time-scale variability on the West African monsoon


Reiner Schnur
Simulation of the monsoon climate with the new ECHAM5/HOPE-C coupled model

The Met Office

Roy Kershaw
Monsoons in DEMETER

Gill Martin
The Asian Summer monsoon in HadGAM1: new dynamics, improved physics and greater vertical resolution but have we improved on HadAM3?

Richard Betts
Tropical vegetation dynamics in simulations of radiatively forced climate change


Tim Wheeler

1) Towards the development of an integrated weather/crop forecasting system (presented by Andrew Challinor)
2) Developing links with agricultural research centres (presented by Andrew Challinor)


Sylwia Trzaska

Modification of the seasonal cycle of the West African monsoon by changing the seasonal cycle in LAI: preliminary results from the Arpege-CLIMAT model in the Guinean region (short talk)

Pierre Camberlin

Predictability study of the October-December East Africa rainy season using atmospheric and ocean dynamic indicators


Simone Campagna

The PROMISE data archive (presented by Franco Molteni)
































































































































































































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