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Summary of the CIRAD workshop

Andrew Challinor

The workshop was divided into roughly two phases: for the first part the participants presented the work that had been done to date towards the development of the crop models needed to achieve the PROMISE objectives. The second part consisted of exchanging ideas, information and plans in order to collaborate as effectively as possible.

Joint modelling approaches were discussed, and it was decided that the model development at both CIRAD and Reading would continue in parallel with a shared library of equations and code to be set up on the PROMISE web site. Spatial scale emerged as an important issue. The working spatial scale is defined by user (e.g. Agrhymet) needs in combination with crop model requirements and availability and accuracy of weather inputs. The models will simulate attainable yields in the first instance, with actual (farmers) yields being derived from that output.

Data sets were also discussed, with a view to having a combined minimum data set model development. The level of modelling detail required, as well as sensitivity analysis methods, also emerged as important aspects of model development.

The workshop was a great success both in terms of the exchange of ideas and methodologies, and the identification of areas in which ongoing collaboration is important.

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