Workpackage Number:


Start date:

Month 0

Lead contractor:


Person months per partner:





To coordinate and promote the aims, activities and achievements of the PROMISE project.

Work description:

UREADMY: Financial coordination.

UREADMY: Development and maintenance of PROMISE web site. The PROMISE web site will be used for (a) providing information on PROMISE to the community, (b) project management, (c) communication of PROMISE results between the partners, (d) hyperlinks to related sites.

UREADMY: Publication of the final report, either as an EU Report, journal special issue or as a book.

UREADMY with ICTP: Organization of a final meeting at ICTP, with international participation for which additional sponsorship will be sought.

All partners: Organization of kick-off and annual meetings.

All partners through Lead Contractors (see Table 3.3.1): Preparation and publication of final report.

All partners: Dissemination of aims and achievements of PROMISE to relevant scientific and user communities (e.g. CLIVAR, IPCC, WMO, UNESCO etc.)

All partners: Publicity of PROMISE aims and achievements to the wider public through Public Understanding of Science (P.U.S.) events, media broadcasts, popular articles.


D6001: Development and maintenance of PROMISE web site.

D6002: Annual meetings. Publication of final report.

D6003: General dissemination of the aims and achievements of PROMISE. Milestones:

Year 1: Setting up of website. Kick-off meeting.

Year 2: Further development of website. Annual meeting.

Year 3: Further development of website. Final report. Final meeting.