Workpackage Number:


Start date:

Month 0

Lead contractor:


Person months per partner:

NERC: 17


To develop methods of assessing the impact of natural and anthropogenic climate change on ground hydrology and water resources for monsoon -affected countries.

Work description:

NERC: A detailed hydrological model will be adapted and applied to a study region in W. Africa to assess the impacts of land cover and climate change on water resources. The model incorporates various factors (e.g. flow patterns of natural drainage basins, water demands for human and livestock consumption, irrigation needs), in order to make realistic comparisons of water resources availability in comparison to demands. The model will be calibrated against observed river flows. By linking this model with climate change scenarios from WP 2000, WP2100, a detailed and realistic assessment of the impacts on water resources will be achieved.

CNRS-LMD: Using an off-line hydrological model, river discharge will be analysed in climate simulations with a GCM which includes a sophisticated land surface scheme involving a better representation of vegetation type and root depth. Specifically, the water budget over tropical areas, in Amazonia, Congo and India will be studied. The hydrological model also includes an estimate of the re-evaporation from river deltas. The assessment of the apportionment of rainfall between infiltration and surface runoff is of crucial importance for water reservoirs.



D3001: Provision of a detailed hydrological model for application to West Africa.

D3002: Assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources and on the water balance in large catchments of Amazonia, Congo, Niger and Gange.


Year 2: Adaptation and testing of detailed hydrological model for West Africa.

Year 2: Determination of the water balance in large catchments of tropical regions.

Year 3: Documentation of the impact of changed land use and climate on water resources.