HOWTOs are descriptions of experiments, analysis procedures, code etc. They should live in your public_html/ directory.

The list of HOWTOs on the website lives in

To add to this list you need to create a file in your public_html/ directory that lists all the HOWTOs you own. This file should be of this form:


<td valign=top><img src="pics/blueball.gif">
<td><a href="url-link1">HOWTO</a> description1 </td>
<td valign=top><img src="pics/blueball.gif">
<td><a href="url-link2">HOWTO</a> description2 </td>
Here url-link1 and url-link2 are the full addresses of two HOWTO documents, eg

and description1 is a description of the HOWTO eg ' do Optimal Filtering'

You then need to email the location of this list-file to me (dan). For example, mine is /home/dan/public_html/work/Dan-How2a.html

The rationale behind this is that everyone can retain their HOWTOs in their existing webpage/home directories and update/modify them as necessary without having to copy them across to the group web directory every time.

One additional note is that you might want to keep separate file-lists for different classes of HOWTOs. For example; experiment HOWTOs and analysis HOWTOs. This means that I can file your lists under the appropriate headings on the HOWTO page.

Once all this has been set up you can add to and modify your HOWTO file-lists without having to get me to update anything.

More Details

If you look at: /home/uweb/aecg/HOWTO.html you'll see a command
<!--#include file="HOWTO/Dan-How2a.html" -->
this is the line that inserts the user's file-list into the HOWTO document (the HOWTO/ directory is really /home/uweb/aecg/HOWTO/). A similar line must be added to include the file-list from each additional user. However, the list-file doesn't actually live in HOWTO/ - it lives in the user's public_html directory. Therefore we must create a symbolic link in the HOWTO directory. Therefore:
cd /home/uweb/aecg/HOWTO

ln -s /home/dan/public_html/HOWTO-list.html Dan-How2a.html
This should all now work!
Page updated on Thursday September 19, 2002